Institute for Mediterranean Studies

Welcome to the website of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies!

The Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS) – based in Rethymno, Crete – was founded in 1985 and is one of the 10 Institutes of the Foundation for Research and Technology — Hellas (FORTH), the leading research institution in Greece. IMS’s purpose is to promote research in the humanities, social sciences, as well as the application of science and technology on cultural heritage and the environment. It is distinguished for its research in history and culture and is the only research or university institution in the country to have been awarded seven ERC Grants (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023) ever awarded to the humanities in Greece.

The IMS research programs focus on the history and culture of Greece and other countries of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in various historical periods, from prehistory to modern times. To date, its research focuses on three research axes, 1) Mediterranean History, 2) Mediterranean culture, 3) Geoinformatics technology for Culture and Environment, and is undertaken by ten teams of researchers based in the Institution’s research sections, centers, and labs.

The objectives of the IMS are:

  • The planning, management, and undertaking of research work in the framework of Research, Technological Development and Innovation projects, by means of seeking and attracting financial resources from European, national, and private programs.
  • The production of publications in international academic journals, Greek and international academic publishing houses.
  • The organization of international and national conferences, symposia, seminars, and exhibitions, as well as the participation of its researchers in scientific and organizational committees of international conferences.
  • The organization of lectures by Greek and foreign academics, exhibitions, and other events, addressing both the scientific community and the general public.


  • Participation in the organization of Postgraduate Programs in collaboration with Universities.
  • Participation in the supervision of research work and dissertations with the collaboration of Greek and foreign academic institutions.
  • Support of students in the form of internships.
  • Organization of educational seminars and summer schools.