- Curriculum vitae
- 2831106014
- georgiadi@ims.forth.gr
Constantina Georgiadi
Dr Constantina Georgiadi has a diploma in Theatre Studies from 1993-1997 and holds a PhD from the University of Crete, Greece (2007). She works at FORTH since 2008-2009 and is currently a Principal Researcher at IMS-FORTH. She is scientifically responsible for the Sources of Modern Greek Theatre History archive focusing on 19th and 20th century theoretical, performative and textual data. She has participated in educational workshops and received basic competence in Digital Humanities training modules such as Phorogrammetry and 3D Modelling, Text Encoding and Interchange, Text Alignment and Treebanking and Historical GIS. She is the editor and co-editor of four books and author of 30 national and international articles in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. She has participated as principal investigator and/or as a member team in national projects concerning Modern Greek Theatre history and reception. Her research focuses on 19th and 20th century European reception in Modern Greek theatre, Shakespearean reception and consolidation on Greek Stage, the revival of ancient Greek theatre, National and Gender/Female Identities, 19th and 20th century Comedy and Farce, Folk Theatre. She is interested in data mining, classification and processing and has already detected and attracted three private theatrical archives for IMS.