Institute for Mediterranean Studies


Department of Ottoman History

The Department of Ottoman History of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies is the only research unit in Greece exclusively dedicated...

Department of Theatre Studies

The Department of Theatre Studies of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies is the first research program in Greece that that...

Centre of Art History "El Greco"

The "El Greco Center" of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies is the only center for scientific research in art history operating...

Department of the Ancient and Byzantine World

The study of the ancient and medieval worlds at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies dates already to its foundation, with...

Laboratory of Geophysical - Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment

The Laboratory of Geophysics - Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeoenvironment (GeoSat ReSeArch Lab) is active in the field of Geoinformatics,...

Laboratory of Image, Sound and Movement

The aim of the research team of the Laboratory of Image, Sound and Movement is to utilize the research findings,...

Department of History of Cities, Diaspora and Immigration in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

The research teams of the Department of history of cities, diasporas and immigration in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea...

Department of Mediterranean and Global Economic and Social History

The Research Group on Global and Mediterranean Economic and Social History studies the development, structure and transformations of the economies...

Centre of Maritime History

The Сentre of Maritime History (CMH) of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies – founded in 2017 by Professor Gelina Harlaftis...

Department of History of Technology

The History of Technology Research Unit is dedicated to the study of the role of Technology and Science in Mediterranean...

Department of Linguistics

The Department of Linguistics of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies is the only research unit in Greece dedicated to studying...