Institute for Mediterranean Studies

Conference: Red Sea Project X: Red Sea Horizons, Edges and Transitions


Rethymno, Crete, Greece
Venues: Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas; Student Cultural Center “Xenia”, University of Crete.

The organization of Red Sea Project X is a collaboration between the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Crete, the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, and the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies and Program in Mediterranean Studies at Emory University.  Our conference will be hosted by the University of Crete and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies in the historic city of Rethymno, Crete, Greece.  Details about lodging, program, and conference fees to follow on the conference website at

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Women, Money And Markets: 1600-1900

Women, Money and Markets: 1600 – 1900 is a small association that got its start in May, 2017, with a conference at the King’s College, London. Since 2017, our annual conference continues to bring together scholars researching the many ways in which women in previous centuries participated in the economy, managed their finances, and were active in local and global markets.

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WORKSHOP Screen Adaptation Studies

The Workshop is organized in the context of the seminar “Film Adaptation,” Interinstitutional Graduate Program in Theater and Film Studies, Dept of Philology, University of Crete, & Institute for Mediterranean Studies-FORTH. 

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6th Thematic Seminar 2021-2022

PhD Candidate Seminars 2021-2022

The purpose of the seminars is the scientific discussion and exchange of views and arguments between professors, researchers and PhD candidates in Modern and Contemporary History of the Department of History and Archeology of UoC, IMS / FORTH and other collaborating universities and research institutes.

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