Unlocking Sacred Landscapes (UnSaLa)
This inter-disciplinary network is concerned with the diachronic study of the temporality, spatiality and materiality of Mediterranean sacred landscapes in general.
This inter-disciplinary network is concerned with the diachronic study of the temporality, spatiality and materiality of Mediterranean sacred landscapes in general. The function of the Network is based on an agreement of collaboration between
- The Department of Classics of Trinity College Dublin,
- The Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment of IMS-FORTH in Crete, and
- The Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus.
The Dublin 2015 workshop (15-17 May) was the kick off meeting for the establishment of the network. Further meetings are planned for 2018 (on Digital Humanities and Ritual Space, Institute of Mediterranean Studies in Crete) and 2021 (on Religious and Insular Identities in Context, University of Cyprus).
The project is funded by the Irish Research Council, Trinity Long Room Hub, A. G. Leventis Foundation, Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
Dr Giorgos Papantoniou, Trinity College Dublin (Network Co-ordinator);
Dr Christine Morris, Trinity College Dublin;
Dr Apostolos Sarris, GeoSat ReSeArch LAB, IMS-FORTH, Crete;
Dr Athanasios Vionis, University of Cyprus
More information on the UnSaLa network: http://www.ucy.ac.cy/unsala/
Project Team