Institute for Mediterranean Studies

Inter-university Research Webinar on Maritime History [K. Vasilaki and L. Wade]

Inter-university Research Webinars on Maritime History 2022

Co-organized by the Centre of Maritime History, Institute for Mediterranean Studies-FORTH and the Centre for Maritime Historical Studies, University of Exeter.
The purpose of the fortnight seminar is to scholarly dialogue of PhD candidates, post-docs and researchers in Maritime themes in humanities and social sciences.

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Ημερίδα - "Ευρωπαϊκές Κληρονομιές και Αποικιακές Ευαισθησίες στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο: Οι Μεγάλες Δυνάμεις και οι τύχες των ‘δυτικών’ μνημείων της Κρήτης, της Κύπρου και της Ρόδου στις αρχές του 20ού αιώνα"

* Μέγιστος αριθμός συμμετεχόντων: 20 άτομα, με πιστοποιητικό πλήρους εμβολιασμού ή νοσήσαντες το τελευταίο εξάμηνο, τηρουμένων των όλων των υγειονομικών μέτρων.

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Halcyon Days in Crete XI Symposium


Τhe Department of Ottoman History of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Foundation for Research and Technology — Hella announces its 11th International Symposium Halcyon Days in Crete XI: Enchantments and disenchantments: early modern Ottoman visions of the world

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Tenth seminar meeting on «Steamships, the transportation revolution and sociality along the Danube and in the Black Sea (1830 – 1860)» by Constantin Ardeleanu

Global Economic History and the History of the Seas

The seminar meeting will be presented on Monday 20 December 2021, at 16:00 (Greece time) by Constantin Ardeleanu, University Dunãrea de Jos, Galaţi, on the topic of Steamships, the transportation revolution and sociality along the Danube and in the Black Sea (1830 – 1860).

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3rd Thematic Seminar 2021-2022

PhD Candidate Seminars 2021-2022

The purpose of the seminars is the scientific discussion and exchange of views and arguments between professors, researchers and PhD candidates in Modern and Contemporary History of the Department of History and Archeology of UoC, IMS / FORTH and other collaborating universities and research institutes.

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