Filling of one (1) temporary staff position in the framework of development projects of the GeoSat ReSeArch Lab
Filling of one (1) temporary staff position (approval of the BoD/FORTH no. 555/45-7/10.3.2025) in the framework of development projects of the Laboratory of Geophysics, Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeoenvironment at the Institute of Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (IMS-FORTH)
Read moreΤρίτο Σεμινάριο Υποψηφίων Διδακτόρων 2025
PhD Candidate Seminars 2025Σκοπός των σεμιναρίων είναι η επιστημονική συζήτηση και ανταλλαγή απόψεων και επιχειρημάτων μεταξύ διδασκόντων, ερευνητών και υποψηφίων διδακτόρων Νεότερης και Σύγχρονης Ιστορίας του Τμήματος Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας του ΠΚ, του ΙΜΣ/ΙΤΕ και άλλων συνεργαζόμενων πανεπιστημιακών και ερευνητικών ιδρυμάτων.
Read moreΜαρίνος Σαρηγιάννης: Το μαγικό, το θαυμαστό και το παράξενο στην Οθωμανική υπερφυσική παράδοση
IMS meets RethymnoIn this lecture, Marinos Sariyannis, researcher of IMS/FORTH, will present some aspects of the relationship of the Ottomans with the supernatural element during the early modern period, i.e. until the early 19th century.
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IMS mourns the loss of Aglaia Kasdagli
The Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas expresses its deep sorrow for the loss of her colleague Aglaia Kasdagli, Professor Emeritus of the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete and collaborating faculty member of the Institute.
Read moreSecond Meeting of Balkan History - Reconsidering Balkan rebellions in the Ottoman and post-Ottoman era: concepts, interpretative frameworks and methodologies
This meeting aims at questioning the concepts, theoretical approaches and methodologies used by researchers to deal with rebellions and contestations of power in the longue durée of Balkan history, i.e. during Ottoman and post-ottoman times.
Read more3rd Meeting: The Cretan Connection "When Villains Write their History: Political Banditry in the Balkans and Asia Minor through Ego-documents"
The project will bring together scholars from the region in an international team. These researchers will present ego-documents written in different languages, having previously studied them according to a common grid of questions.
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