Institute for Mediterranean Studies

Results of the evaluations

The results of the evaluations for the following posts have been announced.
POST: IMS\ARISTEIA_II\AncientCity\PostDoc1
POST: IMS\ARISTEIA_II\AncientCity\PostDoc2
POST: IMS\ARISTEIA_II\AncientCity\PostDoc3
POST: IMS\ARISTEIA_II\AncientCity\PostDoc4

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Post-Doc Researcher with a PhD in Geotechnologies and Environment (or similar thematic topic)

The Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeoenvironment (GeoSat ReSearch) of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies - Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMS-FORTH) announces a Post-Doc scholarship for scholars that want to participate in the implementation of the project ARISTEIA - INNOVATIVE GEOPHYSICAL APPROACHES FOR THE STUDY OF EARLY AGRICULTURAL VILLAGES OF NEOLITHIC THESSALY (IGEAN), with a term of contract of 3 months.

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Evaluation results for the positions of one Post-Doc Researcher and one PhD Student – Project OTTPOL

The evaluation committee for the positions of one post-doc researcher and one PhD student for the project "OTTPOL - A history of early modern Ottoman political thought, 15th to early 19th centuries", which is implemented under the "Aristeia II" Action of the 2007-2013 Greek National Strategic Reference Framework (Operational Programme "Education and Lifelong Learning"), co-funded by the EU (European Social Fund) and national resources, examined the applications on March 7, 2014. After considering the qualifications of the applicants, the committee decided that the most suitable applicant according to the criteria of the call is Ms Ekin Tuşalp Atıyas for the position of the post-doctoral researcher and Ms Marina Demetriadou for the position of the PhD student.


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