- Curriculum vitae
- 2831106021
- nadia.coutsinas@ims.forth.gr
Nadia Coutsinas
Nadia Coutsinas (PhD Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Université Libre de Bruxelles) is a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies - FORTH as well as a scientific collaborator at the CReA-Patrimoine, ULB. Her research interests include Greek fortifications, settlement patterns and landscape archaeology, networks and maritime routes, as well as glass manufacture and production from the Hellenistic to the Early Byzantine periods (she is a member of the Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre). Her field of research is the island of Crete, where she has excavated in Itanos (Eastern Crete) and Eleutherna (Central Crete). She is a member of the Itanos research team since 1995. Her doctoral thesis on the urban fortifications and the defence of territory on Crete, during the Classical and Hellenistic periods, has been published in 2013 at the Sorbonne Press, under the title: Défenses crétoises. Fortifications urbaines et défense du territoire en Crète aux époques classique et hellénistique. In 2010, she was awarded a Post-Doctoral position at the French School of Archaeology at Athens, in 2012 she worked with the American School of Classical Studies at Athens for the project “Reviving the Ancient Agora: The Cradle of Democracy”, and in 2013 she was a Research Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University (Washington, DC). In 2014-2015 she worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the project “DynByzCrete: Recapturing the Dynamics of the Early Byzantine Settlements in Crete: Old problems - New Interpretations through an Interdisciplinary Approach” (IMS-FORTH). Since 2018, she is the principal investigator at the project “SettleInEastCrete: Spatial Dynamics and Settlement Patterns in Eastern Crete from the Classical to the Venetian Period”, implemented by Institute for Mediterranean Studies – FORTH, at the Laboratory of Geophysical – Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeoenvironment.