Institute for Mediterranean Studies

Ivana Hadjievska

Postgraduate fellow

Ivana Hadjievska, MA historian -  Younger associate at The State Archives of North Macedonia - Section in Bitola.   

She earned her BA (2018) and MA (2021), both in the field of history, from the Faculty of Philosophy, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. Her specialization is in the field of economic history (Thesis title: "The human condition of industrial workers in Vardar Macedonia (1918-1941)). In 2019 she received the Award for best achievement in studying from the University’s Rectorate. Her research interests include social history, philosophy of history and remembrance culture. 

She has research experience from work on international projects concerning the accessibility of historical sources for women’s history and development of epistemic potentials of local archival collections. 

Most recently, she co-authored the book Invisible archives: Makedonka - Organ of the WAF (1944-1952). historical experiences and cultural memory (Center for the Study of the Nationalisms and Cultures - Skopje, 2022).