Elias Kolovos, Όπου ην κήπος: Η μεσογειακή νησιωτική οικονομία της Άνδρου σύμφωνα με το οθωμανικό κτηματολόγιο του 1670, Herakleion: Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης και Καΐρειος Βιβλιοθήκη 2017.
This is a case study of a small-scale economy of a Mediterranean island, Andros, in the Aegean Sea, based on a detailed analysis of the Ottoman land and property survey of 1670. The relevant pages from the registers located in the Ottoman Archive of the Prime Ministry (Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi) in Istanbul, Tapu Tahrir 800 and Maliyeden Müdevver 4856, are published in this book in transliteration in Modern Turkish and translation into Greek. The Ottoman register constitutes an almost complete survey of the settlement network and the population of the island during the Ottoman era; the structure of the population and settlements had been already crystalised in the time of the conquest and did not change until very recently. Moreover, the analysis of the properties and of the economy of the island in the late 17thcentury shows the now forgotten rural past of Andros, an island who had then just begun to participate into the maritime economy, mainly through the commercialisation of silk. Furthermore, the analysis of the distribution of property allows us to study social stratification in early modern Andros.
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