Institute for Mediterranean Studies
Οι νοικοκυραίοι - Μαγαζάτορες και βιοτέχνες στην Αθήνα 1880-1925
ISBN: 978-960-524-454-5

Νίκος Ποταμιάνος, Οι νοικοκυραίοι - Μαγαζάτορες και βιοτέχνες στην Αθήνα 1880-1925 (The noikokyraioi - Shopkeepers and tradesmen in Athens 1880-1925), Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2015

The story of Athens shopkeepers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which this book narrates, is comprehensible: the Old Market fire in 1884 and the Evangelicals in 1901, the Goudi movement in 1909, and the establishment of GSEVE in 1919, the opportunities to start one's own business in an ever-growing city, but also the high mortality of micro-enterprises, the establishment of a Sunday holiday and the pursuit of profiteering, banqueting, renting and renting. bakeries and d car wrecks against the first cars, the shop windows and their dispersal in the city, the patrons of the unions and the tsipushas in the countryside on their feast day, the spears thrown by the shopkeepers in the election campaigns family dances and cafes in Karagiozis, the wave of mustaches cut after World War I and the protection of the "dignity" of households. The thread that guides us to study all of this is to highlight the conditions of the existence of the traditional petty bourgeoisie and how they changed during the period.

  • Νίκος Ποταμιάνος