Giorgos Gassias
George Gassias studied in the university of Athens (Department of Philosophy-PedagogyPsychology) and in the postgraduate program, "Contemporary European and Greek History" of the University of Crete (Department of History-Archeology). He is currently completing his PHD thesis dissertation on "The Implementation of Agrarian Reform and Transformations in Thessaly during inter-war", supervised by Christos Hadziiossif Emeritus Professor of Modern History.
He has collaborated in documentation and classification programs for historical archives with National Audiovisual Archive and National Research Foundation of Greece. Since 2014 he is collaborating with Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS / ITE) in research projects about the study of rural transformation and the implementation of agrarian innovation in 20th century Greece (Archers, Kripis 1.2). His research interests focus on rural history, on sports history and on urban history.