- 2831106020
- nafsika.andriopoulou@gmail.com
Nafsika Andriopoulou
Dr Nafsika - Chrysoula Andriopoulou is a postdoctoral researcher in Geoarchaeology at the Laboratory of Geophysical - Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeoenvironment (IMS - FORTH) and has teaching experience at the Laboratory of Inorganic - Organic Geochemistry and Organic Petrography (MRED - TUC). Her research focuses on the analysis of microscopic phytoliths and other (bio)minerals from geoarchaeological contexts, and on the design of museum educational tools and programmes for children with and without special educational needs. She has curated outreach activities on the topic of the Archaeoenvironment and extensively participated in fieldwork in the Mediterranean region (Greece, Italy, Spain), and in the Philippines. Dr Andriopoulou holds a PhD in Biomineralisation - Geoarchaeology from the Technical University of Crete (2020), an International Erasmus Mundus Master in Quaternary and Prehistory from the University of Ferrara (mobility at the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution), an MSc in Geotechnology and the Environment from the Technical University of Crete, and a BSc / integrated MSc in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from the Agricultural University of Athens (mobility at the Technical University of Madrid). During her studies, she received funding from the State Scholarships Foundation, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency and the Special Research Fund Account of the Technical University of Crete, and an honorary distinction from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Kiel University. Within the context of her increasing interest in Science Communication and the creation of open research networks, Dr Andriopoulou actively participates in the postgraduate studies programme in Special Education of the University of Crete, in the learning programme of the tactile Braille system of the Panhellenic Association of the Blind, and in specialised training courses in Museum Education and Art.