- Curriculum vitae
- 2831106018
- mattebarb@gmail.com
Matteo Barbano
Centre of Maritime History
Matteo Barbano (Genoa, 1986) studied Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Genoa. Since 2012 he has been a member of Laboratorio di Storia Marittima e Navale (NavLab), coordinated by Prof. Luca Lo Basso. In 2016 he completed his PhD thesis at the Department of History, Philosophy and Antiquities (DAFIST), Genoa University, with the title: “Within the Straits: the English, Tangier and Barbary (1661-1684)”.
Currently he is a post-doc researcher engaged in the project “Seafaring Lives in Transition. Mediterranean Maritime Labour and Shipping during Globalization, 1850s-1920s" (SeaLit) coordinated by Dr Apostolos Delis. In this context, his studies are focused on maritime labour in the Adriatic sea, and in particular on the activity of the Austrian Lloyd from its foundation till the end of the Long Nineteeth Century.
Selected publications
“A lucrative, dangerous business: le consulat anglais à Alger, Tunis et Tripoli dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIe siècle”, in A. Bartolomei, G. Calafat, J. Ülbert and M. Grenet (ed.), De l’utilité commerciale des consuls. L’institution consulaire et les marchands dans le monde méditerranéen (xviixx siècle), Madrid Rome, 2017, pp. 253263
“Most thought the City in no security but under Lock and Key: Tangeri, gli inglesi e la frontiera (16621684)”, in A. Gallia, L. Pinzarrone, G. Scaglione (ed.), Isole e frontiere nel Mediterraneo moderno e contemporaneo, Palermo, 2017, pp. 3547
“La presa della Margareta (1665): la colonia inglese di Tangeri tra corsa, politica e diplomazia”, in M. Barbano, A. Castagnino ed E. Locci (ed.), Attraverso la Storia Percorsi mediterranei, Noventa Padovana, 2016, pp. 5071