Institute for Mediterranean Studies

Research Projects


Advancing Young Researchers’ Human Capital in Cutting Edge Technologies in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and the Tackling of Societal Challenges, Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Principal Investigator Christos Hadziiossif
Collaborator Researchers Post-doctoral researchers: Spyros Tzokas, Christos Karampatsos
Funding Institution Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Advancing Young Researchers’ Human Capital in Cutting Edge Technologies in the History and the Societal Implications of Science and Innovation in the Sectors of the:
i) Preservation of Cultural Heritage and the Tackling of Societal Challenges
ii) Environment and Clean energy


Industrial Property Policies in Greece during 20th century (Spyros Tzokas)

The research project studies aspects of public policy in the fields of Intellectual Property (Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, Industrial Designs, Geographical indications, Trade Secrets), Technical Standardization and Managerial/Organization Methods following the research of experts’ communities (engineers, scientists, lawyers, economists) in the Greek state and abroad. The aim of the project is to highlight the conditions that allowed (or prevented) the production of a "primary innovation" in the Greek case during the 20th century.


Searching for Oil Deposits in Greece During the Inter-War Years, 1920-1940 (Christos Karampatsos)

The scientific and public discourse concerning oil and fossil fuels deposits in Greece is older than usually thought; it surfaced in the 1920s and went on until the Second World War. It gave rise to expectations for ‘prosperity and fiscal reconstitution’, as well as to fears -or aspirations- concerning the involvement of the ‘Great Powers’ into Greek affairs. It was accompanied by the emergence of relevant scientific and state institutions and was connected to state priorities as such priorities formed and evolved during a turbulent period of Greek history. Interestingly though, the much discussed Greek fossil fuel deposits of the inter-war period eventually remained buried under the earth’s crust.


Advancing Young Researchers’ Human Capital in Cutting Edge Technologies in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and the Tackling of Societal Challenges, Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Principal Investigator Christos Hadziiossif

Collaborator Researchers
Post-doctoral researchers
Eleni Kyramargiou

Phd candidates
Giorgos Gassias
Thanassis Niasiaras
Dimitra Kardakari

Funding Institution: Stavros Niarchos Foundation


A port in transition. The modernization of the port infrastructure of Thessaloniki in the early 20th century

The history of ports is a rapidly developing field of research that has attracted the interest of many researchers in recent years. Τhe port of Thessaloniki is a fertile and at the same time quite demanding field of research. Port activity has affected essentially the social, economic and spatial process of Thessaloniki over the centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century the city had become one of the most important commercial ports of the Ottoman Empire and later of the Greek state. Our research aims to study the infrastructure modernization of port during the first decades of the 20th century. The remodeling of the port at the beginning of the 20th century transformed its image and structure, reorganized its own space, increased its efficiency, optimized its transport dynamics, gained a new division of labor, and transformed a large part of the natural city ​​environment. Thus, in a sense, the study of the upgrading port infrastructure, based mainly, but not only, on the Historical Archive of Port of Thessaloniki, is an attempt to find out the interaction between technological development, economic growth and the natural environment. Finally, our aim is to make a contribution to the better understanding of the history of the city of Thessaloniki