Mining Landscapes in Greece, 19th-20th c.
Λ. Παπαστεφανάκη, Τόποι και τοπία εξορυκτικής δραστηριότητας στον ελλαδικό χώρο, 19ος-20ός αιώνας, υπό έκδοση.
Leda Papastefanaki, «Family, Gender, and Labour in the Greek Mines, 1860–1940», International Review of Social History, 65(2), 267-288. doi:10.1017/S0020859019000580
Romano, R., & Papastefanaki, L. Women and Gender in the Mines: Challenging Masculinity Through History: An Introduction. International Review of Social History, 65(2) (2020), 191-230. doi:10.1017/S0020859019000774
Scientific coordinator: Leda Papastefanaki
This research project aims at deepening the understanding in the history of mining activities and the formation of the mining landscapes in Greece during 19th-20th centuries.
The research “Mining Landscapes in Greece, 19th-20th c.” aims at deepening the understanding in the history of mining activities and the formation of the mining landscapes in Greece during 19th-20th centuries. The research, by making use of a rich archival material both in Greece and abroad, highlights the specific elements of mining landscapes and the relations with the international technical and entrepreneurial networks in Eastern Mediterranean. The Greek case should be examined in a comparative perspective within the broader context of the Mediterranean and the Ottoman Empire.
Related publications by the scientific coordinator
- Leda Papastefanaki, Η φλέβα της γης. Τα μεταλλεία της Ελλάδας, 19ος-20ός αιώνας, [The veins of the earth: The mines of Greece, nineteenth-twentieth century], Vivliorama Publishing, Athens 2017.
- Leda Papastefanaki, «Από τα ορυκτά για το Γ΄ Ράιχ στα ορυκτά για την «άμυνα της Δύσεως». Η εξορυκτική δραστηριότητα στην Ελλάδα, 1941-1966», [“From the ores for the Third Reich to the ores for the “defence for the West”. Mining activity in Greece, 1941-1966”], Τα Ιστορικά 57 (2012), p. 367-408 [in Greek].
- Leda Papastefanaki, “Greece has been endowed by nature with this precious material …” The Economic History of the Bauxite in the European Periphery in the 20th century», R. Gendron, M. Ingulstad, E. Storli (eds.), Aluminum Ore: The Political Economy of the Global Bauxite Industry, Vancouver 2013, p. 158-184.
- Leda Papastefanaki, “From Santorini to Trieste and Suez: ‘Discovery’ and Use of the Theran Earth in the Mediterranean (from the end of the 18th century to the beginnings of the 20th century)”, Mediterranean Historical Review 33/1 (2018, forthcoming).
Scientific coordinator: Leda Papastefanaki
Research team: Yannis Gonatidis, Claire Tsakiris
Project Team