Halcyon Days in Crete

The Department of Ottoman History of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies has organised since 1991 eleven International Symposia of Turkology in Rethymno under the title “Halcyon Days in Crete”. The symposia take place every three years with the participation of twenty to thirty renowned Ottomanists from around the world. They constitute the only standing international symposia of Ottoman studies held in Greece.
List of 'Halcyon Days in Crete' Symposia
- The Ottoman Emirate, 1300-1389 (Rethymno, 1991)
- The Via Egnatia under Ottoman Rule, 1380-1699 (Rethymno, 1994)
- Natural Disasters in the Ottoman Empire (Rethymno, 1997)
- The Kapudan Pasha: His Office and his Domain (Rethymno, 2000).
- Provincial Elites in the Ottoman Empire (Rethymno, 2003).
- Crete and the Eastern Mediterranean, 1645-1840 (Rethymno, 2006)
- Political Initiatives 'From the Bottom Up' in the Ottoman Empire (Rethymno, 2009)
- Ottoman Rural Societies and Economies (Rethymno, 2012)
- Ottoman Political Theory and Practice (Rethymno, 2015)
- Çiftliks in the Balkans and Western Anatolia (Rethymno, 12-14 January 2018)
- Enchantments and disenchantments: early modern Ottoman visions of the world (Rethymno, 14-17 January 2022)
The volumes with the papers of the first four symposia have been edited by Elizabeth Zachariadou. The volumes with the papers of the next three symposia have been edited by Antonis Anastasopoulos. The proceedings of the eighth symposium have been edited by Elias Kolovos and those of the ninth symposium by Marinos Sariyannis.
The volumes with the papers of the first three symposia have been published in Turkish by Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları. Turkish editions of the next three volumes are under way by Küre Yayınları.

The Programme of Turkish Studies kindly acknowledges financial support that it has received for its 'Halcyon Days in Crete' symposia from the:
Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, A. G. Leventis Foundation, Eleni Nakou Foundation, Academy of Athens, University of Crete, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Hellenic Ministry of Tourism, Hellenic Ministry of the Environment, Urban Planning and Public Works, Prefecture of Rethymno, Municipality of Rethymno, Historical and Folklore Society of Rethymno, Bar Association of Rethymno, British Council, Emporiki Bank, Finansbank, Forty-Nine Thirteen Foundation.
On June 27-July 1, 2012, the Department of Ottoman History of the Institute of Mediterranean Studies, in collaboration with the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete, organised the 20th CIÉPO Conference of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes. CIÉPO is one of the largest and most prestigious international conferences in the field of Turkish and Ottoman studies today. A total of 224 papers were presented at CIÉPO 20, 83 of which were published in the volume New Trends in Ottoman Studies: Papers Presented at the 20th CIÉPO Symposium, Rethymno 27 June-1 July 2012 (see Publications).