Enric García Domingo
Enric García Domingo (Barcelona, Spain, 1962) has a degree in History (Universitat de Barcelona) and a Doctorate in Modern History (Universitat de Barcelona), and he is interested in Maritime History in a broad scope. His dissertation topic was on labour in the Spanish Merchant Marine in the transition from sail to steam, 1834-1914.
Enric has published books and articles and has presented many papers in national and international meetings. He is currently the Head of the Department of Collections and Research at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona. He is also member of the research group TIG Treball, Institucions i Génere (Work, Institutions and Gender) of the Universitat de Barcelona. He is the main specialist of the SeaLiT Barcelona team about seafaring labour, and he will focus on changes in the life and work conditions on board.