Paolo Calcagno
Paolo Calcagno was born in 1978. PhD researcher at the University of Verona in 2010, he held a grant at the University of Genoa from 2010 to 2012, where he is currently a researcher and professor of the courses “Elements and sources of early modern history” and “History of the nearby Italian states”.
His fields of research are currently focused on the Mediterranean area and the early modern period, with particular attention dedicated to social and economic history. Among his most popular publications: «La puerta a la mar”. Il Marchesato del Finale nel sistema imperiale spagnolo (1571-1713), Roma, Viella, 2011; Savona, porto di Piemonte. L’economia della città e del suo territorio dal Quattrocento alla Grande Guerra, Novi Ligure, Città del silenzio, 2013; he has been the curator of the volumes La quotidiana emergenza. I molteplici impieghi delle istituzioni sanitarie nel Mediterraneo moderno, Palermo, New Digital Press 2017 e Per vie illegali. Fonti per lo studio dei fenomeni illeciti nel Mediterraneo dell’età moderna (secoli XVI-XVIII), Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino Editore, 2017. He had previously taken part in the Italian projects PRIN and FIRB, and he is now a member of the project ERC SeaLiT «Seafaring Lives in Transition. Mediterranean Maritime Labour and Shipping during Globalization, 1850s-1920s» (responsible authority: Institute for Mediterranean Studies di Rethymno). He is a member of the doctoral school in «Studio e valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, artistico-architettonico e ambientale» at the University of Genoa. He is also part of Red Columnaria, an international network on the research of Iberian monarchy frontiers, as part of the Mediterranean Maritime Borders section (16th and 21st century). He is a member of GIS (groupement d’intérêt scientifique) d’Histoire & Sciences de la mer e del comité científico y editorial of the Archivo de la Frontera. He is a local referent, on behalf of the University of Genoa, for the studies centres CISPAI (storia delle paste alimentari in Italia) e CEPOC (Le polizie e il controllo del territorio). He codirects, together with professor Luca Lo basso, the editorial collection “Maritime historical studies” (New Digital Press).