Maria Damilakou
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of History of Cities, Diaspora and Immigration in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea | Centre of Maritime Historymariadamilakou@ath.forthnet.gr -
Constantina Georgiadi
Principal Researcher, Department Coordinator Theatre and Film Studies2831106014georgiadi@ims.forth.gr -
Christos Hadziiossif
FORTH Distinguished member, Professor Emeritus of Modern and Contemporary HistoryDepartment of History of Cities, Diaspora and Immigration in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea | Department of Mediterranean and Global Economic and Social History | Department of History of Technologyhadziiossif@ims.forth.gr -
Gelina Harlaftis
Director of IMS-FORTH, Professor of Maritime History2831106010gelina@ims.forth.gr -
Christos Loukos
IMS Honorary Fellow, Professor EmeritusDepartment of History of Cities, Diaspora and Immigration in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea | Department of Mediterranean and Global Economic and Social Historyloukos@uoc.gr -
Andreas Lyberatos
Assistant Professor of Social and Economic History of the Modern BalkansDepartment of History of Cities, Diaspora and Immigration in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea | Department of Mediterranean and Global Economic and Social Historylyberatos@ims.forth.gr -
Leda Papastefanaki
Professor of Greek Economic and Social HistoryDepartment of History of Cities, Diaspora and Immigration in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea | Department of Mediterranean and Global Economic and Social Historylpapast@uoi.gr -
Marinos Sariyannis
Research Director, Department Coordinator of Ottoman History2831106009sariyannis@ims.forth.gr -